Gestation Series - Congratulations, you're at Week 28
Support in labour and birth.

Congratulations, you're at Week 28


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Support in labour and birth.

This week we are exploring Support in Labour. It's pretty much a given these days that the partner or father of the child will be in the labour room. However, do partners really know how to support a labouring woman?

If you are lucky enough to score Continuity of Care with your birth team, you will have a known midwife with you throughout the labour. However, in the majority of birth scenarios, women are cared for by a midwife and doctor they don't know, which can sometimes be hard to feel safe and trust all that unfolds.Often the role of support is placed on the partner and in most cases, partners don't really know the ins and outs of birth and what helps a woman achieve a positive birth experience.

Take a look at our Gestation video on Support and understand the role of good support in Labour.

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