Births - Welcome, Baby Iris
Congratulations to Danica and Jake

Welcome, Baby Iris


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Congratulations to Danica and Jake

Welcome to the newest 'About Birth' baby – Iris, born on 3rd September 2016. Congratulations to Danica and Jake.

I wanted to let you know about the arrival of our daughter, Iris. I was initially breaching but had her turned by ECV after having some acupuncture and moxibustion, doing inversions, swimming etc - all of which contributed I believe.

The birth went really well. I had a six-hour labour and while she came to us two weeks early and was a tiny baby at only 2.5kgs, she was healthy and the delivery was the best it could have been.

Jake and I wanted to thank you for everything you taught us during the workshop. I truly believe the tools I walked away with got me through and made the labour the positive experience it was. We did have a lot more planned but as Iris was in a hurry to get here, we didn't get to do a lot of it. Jake was brilliant reminding me to use my breath and focus on things that made us happy. Most of all, it was the breathing!

I've also recommended you to so many other friends who are pregnant. Thanks so much again, we are truly grateful.

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