Births - Welcome, Baby M
Congratulations to S and T

Welcome, Baby M


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Congratulations to S and T

Welcome to the newest 'About Birth' baby – M, born on 26th May 2016. Congratulations to S and T.

I gave birth to my beautiful boy 4 days after the birth course at 37 weeks. I used all the breathing techniques, the massages and visualisation techniques. They all helped immensely. The one thing that helped the most was that my partner knew exactly what to do at each stage!

I was lucky to labour and give birth in a pool. My labour was only 7hrs and the contractions were not as intense as I expected – I had the video of the Russian lady in my head. I kept thinking if she can look and feel so calm why can't I?

The only thing that didn't really go to plan was a 3rd-degree tear :) but have been stitched up beautifully and recovery has been very smooth.

Thanks for running your amazing course and preparing us for one of the biggest events in our lives.

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