Births - Welcome, Baby Matilda
Congratulations to Hannah and Nick

Welcome, Baby Matilda


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Congratulations to Hannah and Nick

The story of Matilda's birth as told by her mother, Hannah:

"I wanted to share the news that Nick and I welcomed Matilda Kitson Brooks into the world yesterday at 3:35pm, three weeks early to the day.

The birth was phenomenal – I went to bed Monday night with period-like pain but kind of dismissed it and decided to sleep it off. The next morning while I took my dog for a 5km power walk I kept feeling these ‘period pains’, but continued to dismiss them. I rang the hospital after getting home just to double check and they said it was probably nothing so I just tried to go about my day, however the period cramps got worse and more intense. I called the hospital again around 12 and they said to call Nick to come home from work as I was going to have my baby tonight or tomorrow. I was still in denial at this stage but had a bath and called Nick, he arrived home at 1pm. I put the TENS machine on straight after my bath, the contractions were now getting very close and stronger. I was timing them with an app which kept saying 'GO TO HOSPITAL' – we finally got out the door and arrived at the hospital at 2:30pm.

Nick was very funny about the delayed cord clamping, letting everyone know that it was what we wanted, as well as the no drugs thing but I must admit I was kind of like ‘shuttt up don’t say that’ when we arrived and he very firmly told them to not offer me drugs. I must have been in the transition stage, but it really wasn’t all that bad (?!?) The TENS machine was awesome! 

I didn’t even have time to print off or complete my birth plan to give them but lucky Nick knew what I wanted.

At 3:35pm I reached down and pulled our precious daughter Matilda out and into my arms, all this was done with zero drugs, no tears or grazes and complete trust in my body. 

Without your help this absolutely would not have been achievable - we have you to thank for so much of this experience. I had your voice in my head a lot (as well as Nick reciting your instructions about the breathing) to go to my happy place, which I did. I now have a new happy place, which will never be matched, laying on my chest making the most beautiful noises I’ve ever heard."

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