Birth Stories - The Birth of Tom
Born on 28th August, 2017

The Birth of Tom


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Born on 28th August, 2017

We had a special request to hear this story after Tom was born, so here it is...

So it all happened Monday 28 August (two weeks early!)

Waters broke at 5am, went to the hospital at 8am, they said "all good you go home and hope the contractions start" – they started about an hour later.

I called the midwife back at about 1pm and she said for me to come back in soon. So I packed my bag (technically the bag wasn't packed but all the things were ready in a pile – does that still count?). It was around 3pm by the time we finally got into the birthing suite after parking the car, checking into the emergency area and waiting for a while.

My midwife arrives around 3:30pm and says 'you are at 6cm' and I started sucking the life out of the gas!

I said I'd like an epidural, so by the time that got happening I had to sit through getting it in without moving at 9cm, which is very hard I'm told (and it was, to be honest). Then, I was already 9cm so it was time to push at 10cm.

About seven pushes and Tom James Fletcher arrives.

It's 6.06pm. Crazy!

I was actually in shock...then I high-fived myself. Then I think the epidural set it. Haha! No stitches! Joanne, my support partner, was unreal and we had some good laughs after the event.

He is so gorgeous and I'm so in love! A positive birth story for me ..."

Congratulations to Mumma L. on her amazing story and beautiful newborn!

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