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Spinning Babies is an approach that uses maternal physiology and foetal positioning to ease pregnancy and birth. It was developed by Gail Tully, a Certified Practicing Midwife (CPM) from the USA.
Spinning Babies is an approach that optimises the physical relationship between the bodies of mother and baby for the easing of childbirth. The technique is a new paradigm that takes cues from baby’s position and station for natural, physiological solutions. Try it in any birth setting, childbirth program, or pain management plan. Spinning Babies techniques may help to:
By beginning with activities to support the range of motion and alignment, the aim is to reach a healthy mix of mobility and stability for the pelvis. As well as assisting in labour, Spinning Babies can be used in the last trimester of pregnancy to ensure that the baby sits in an optimal position for birth.
Techniques for Labour
Spinning Babies also offers techniques to manage and work through certain situations during labour. For example:
If the baby isn’t engaged, the nurse, midwife, or doctor may say the baby is -3 station. This unengaged posterior baby often must rotate to left occiput transverse before engaging. Spinning Babies techniques aim to help rotation. Rotation may solve the problem to let baby engage and descend through the pelvis, helping the mother potentially avoid a cesarean.
We have used these techniques with many women that we have supported in birth. It's worth having a look at these during pregnancy so you can familiarise yourself with the techniques and help your body before you even go into labour.
Read more about Spinning Babies here
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