
A Look at Induction Rates in Australia


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Why it's good to be informed about induction

Of the 80% of women that labour (20% opt for an elective ceaserean), 43.9% of them have their labour started or sped up. The most common method is via the drug Syntocin which promotes uterine contraction.

Induced labour can be indicated as necessary due to health concerns for the mother or baby. However, inducing or augmenting a woman can often lead to other interventions such as a greater need for pain relief, vacuum or forceps delivery, or Caesarean section.

In a natural labour (i.e. when the mother goes into labor on her own) she releases oxytocin, a natural hormone that is released in pulses from the pain. This causes her uterus to contract while softening and relaxing her body as she starts the labouring process. When released naturally oxytocin has beneficial "psycho-emotional effects". It promotes calm and connection, it is associated with feelings of love, and has natural pain-relieving properties.

Syntocin is a chemical equivalent to oxytocin but works very differently in the body. When injected into the mother’s body it doesn’t cross back into her brain and therefore does not yield any beneficial psycho-emotional effects. This may lead to contractions that feel more painful. Labour can also seem more intense because while the body regulates contractions in a natural labor, with Syntocin we can't regulate as easily how often the contractions come and how intense they are. Since women's bodies all react differently for some it is excruciatingly painful.

Becuase of the potential for greater pain during labour, Syntocin-based induction often leads to requests for epidurals – which may have other side effects on the mother and baby. We suggest talking to your care providers about the necessity of induction. Do your research and get informed as to the implications associated with Induction and the choices you have around it.

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