
Welcome, Baby Xavier


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Congratulations to Lisa and Michael.

Welcome to the newest 'About Birth' baby – Xavier, born on 30th September 2014. Congratulations to Lisa and Michael.


"I've been meaning to email and update you on the birth of my beautiful second son. Xavier was born on 30th September, a healthy 3.5 kg baby. As you know my first horrendous birth experience with Lachie (now 2 yrs ago) was what propelled me to explore other options during my second pregnancy and this led me to you! I'm so grateful to have had your help. My second birth with Xavier was a complete contrast and absolutely life-changing.

I birthed at Epworth Freemasons again, this time in a sterile, cold and fluorescent-lit theatre room full of medical equipment!!!! As the birthing suites were all full. So far from the ideal setting! However, I did it. I calm birthed, no drugs and in less than 5 hours I had my boy in my arms. Thanks to you, I used your breathing techniques, visualisation and everything you taught me, to achieve a birth I so badly wanted and needed. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Being consciously present at Xavier's birth was phenomenal and I'm still blown away by what my body and mind achieved. I felt and accepted every ounce of pain and worked with my body, instead of against it. I cannot thank you enough for this - I truly feel like I can achieve anything, and best of all I feel so connected to my baby, the love poured into my body and soul instantaneously. This was a very different 'meeting' moment to Lachie, and my body healed and recovered so well, even post-birth in the hospital the midwives kept asking me what pain relief I wanted and I even refused panadol which they couldn't fathom. I was like "I had no drugs giving birth, why would I need something now?"

I feel empowered having fought the odds by delivering calmly in a highly medicalised environment. My husband couldn't believe it, he has said to me you were in a trance, how did you do that? The best part was I was in complete control and I called the shots (A huge contrast to last time!) when I arrived in hospital, I was hooked up to machines and had bubs heartbeat being measured, then I asked if everything was ok and the midwife said 'yes it's just monitoring' I then told her to take everything off me, I said I don't want any wires, machines or anything touching me and my obstetrician was fabulous, he completely supported me and told the midwife to do what I asked. I moved around, was on the fit-ball and told them I didn't want to lay down. I told them when I was ready to push and how I wanted to do it. I was really impressed with the support of my ob, but mind you when he first examined me I was already dilated to 8cm's, when he told me I was going to have my baby in the next hour I burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, because at this point I knew I could do it. I said to myself "I've got this" :)

I'll never forget this moment. Lael thank you from the bottom of my heart, you've given me so much more than an amazing birthing experience, you've also healed what I was carrying from my first birth and the personal growth I've achieved is beyond what I ever thought possible. I'm loving motherhood more than ever – and mind you, I've never been so utterly exhausted! Haha feeding 3 hourly overnight then juggling a very active 2-year-old and newborn all day. Thank you seems so insignificant, but I hope from my email you can gather the enormous gratitude. I will be sure to spread the word.

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